2022 A Buyer Guide for Reablement

Researchers think that myelin shrinks with age, and, as a result, processing is slower and cognitive function is reduced. Reablement program is aligned with the wellness and recognition approach that underpins contemporary practice in aged care and focuses on enabling older people to improve their independence, social participation and quality of life.

Results from the reablement program showed that elderly reported a substantial improvement in confidence and overall wellness, demonstrating a greater capacity to manage their own daily tasks and mobility well. We have noted the outcomes of reablement program found the following improvements for senior adults.

  • Physical– be independence in mobility
  • Environmental–acted effectively to control their environment
  • Psychological– relating to confidence.

Exercise combined with advanced technology can help to maintain cognitive functioning on the process of reablement program. It can improve cognitive and body functioning. ĀnkěCare is the number one and only platform integrated magazine, website, social media and forum for managers in the long term care sector.

ĀnkěCare has announced 2022 Buyer’s Guide for reablement solutions. The published article is said, ” Brain training programs adapted technology base are currently one effective solution to prevent cognitive decline in healthy aging. The advanced technology from Body Charger Fitness can be proven,” mentioned in the 2022 Buyer’s Guide for reablement of ĀnkěCare.

Creating unique workout experience with Body Charger Fitness

Body Charger Active Series is also on the recommended list mentioned it can enhance mobility coordination and brain cognition. Active Series with EXCLUSIVE Brain Game is a great way to exercise, it also positively impacts brain health and brain cognitive functions.

Brain Game is theory-based regimen to optimize the effort user put it.

⭕️ Brain Game gives users vitality exercise experience.

⭕️ ❝Analysis Function❞ is a great way to develop new skills, enhance your hand-eye coordination, and stretch your brain.

⭕️ ❝Game Function❞ provides an interactive and engaging workout to leads to an overall improvement of well-beling.

Diversity Product Portfolio

⭕️ Includes recumbent cross trainer, recumbent stepper, upper body ergometer, UBE table, total body trainers and rehabilitation treadmill.

Explore the 2022 Buyer List for Reablement on ĀnkěCare.


Explore the Body Charger Active Series product information.