Facilities Cleaning and Sanitizing Tips-Body Charger Fitness

In order to help the club owner get ready for the grand reopening, as part of a total solution partner, Body Charger Fitness is recommending the necessary procedure to ensure to be done on the fitness equipment that is correctly disinfected and free from viruses and germs.

Understanding the definition of cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing on the fitness equipment

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing are defined differently:

Cleaning: removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects. Cleaning works by using detergent (or soap) with water to physically remove germs from surfaces. This process may not kill bacteria, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection.

Disinfection: uses chemicals to kill bacteria on surfaces or objects. This process does not only clean dirty surfaces, but kills bacteria on a surface.

Body Charger Fitness recommends the following cleaners:

  • Mild dish soap with water, 1:10 dilution
  • Vinegar with water, 1:20 dilution
  • Brand cleaning wipes, e.g., Athletix cleaning wipes, Lysol® brand disinfectant products, Clorox® brand disinfectant products
  • 60-70% isopropyl alcohol

When disinfecting your fitness equipment, please follow the essential steps when cleaning.

  • Wear PPEs during cleaning
  • Be sure to apply the cleaner first to a clean cloth, and then use the cloth to wipe down the equipment.
  • If using wipes, the surface should be wiped in the same direction to prevent contamination versus back and forth.
  • Always avoid spraying a cleaner directly on equipment, as it may penetrate openings and cause corrosion or damage to electronic parts.

Sanitizing: lowers the number of bacteria on touched often surfaces such as consoles and speed/incline buttons to a safe level. This process works by either cleaning or disinfecting surfaces or objects to lower the risk of spreading infection.

Recommend cleaning frequency

The staff of facilities needs to review the disinfecting procedures, not only protect you but to protect your clients’ health and keep the reputation of your business. Doing it regular to increasing membership revenue, the lifespan of your fitness machines and ensuring continued member satisfaction.